Top Nutrients to Support Women's Health

What are the most important nutrients for women? Learn about which vitamins and minerals to look for in your personal diet and supplement routine.

Regardless of your age or lifestyle, the path to wellness is a never-ending one. There's no “one size fits all” for feeling your best, and no matter how knowledgeable you are there is likely still more to learn. For some, this is bad news. “Why can't there be a simple answer or miracle vitamin that works for everyone and will make me feel great?” But think of it this way instead: when it comes to your wellness journey, you get to learn what makes sense for you. More information means more room to grow and discover the right solutions and habits that work for you beyond eating right, getting your steps in, and finding the time to relax amidst your busy schedule.

Here's something else to think about: different stages of life require different vitamins and minerals to power you through. From puberty to potentially starting a family to experiencing the wonders of life after 50, women go through a lot of life changes. Ensuring you're getting optimal nourishment for every step of your unique journey should be a priority. Which ingredients and nutrients should you look for when starting a new multivitamin or supplement or what foods should you include in your meal planning for the week ahead to support your needs?

The best way to ensure you're getting the nutrients you need to thrive is via your diet. recommends women get three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products, including yogurt, milk, and cheese, or leafy greens, canned fish, and calcium-fortified foods for those who don't consume dairy. They also recommend one to two cups of fruits per day, and two to two-and-a-half cups of veggies. Of course, you know what makes you feel well. If your stomach hurts after a bowl of yogurt and berries, think about how your body handles dairy in other circumstances. If the outlook isn't great, perhaps avoid it for a bit and see how you feel.

Even if you're eating the healthiest diet, you may still be not getting enough of some important nutrients that are vital to your wellness journey. Let's shine a spotlight on a few of the essentials so you can make sure you're filling your plate (and supplement routine!) with the vitamins and minerals that matter most.

Top Micronutrients for Women

Folate is part of the B vitamin group; it supports healthy neurological development and is a key micronutrient for all women.* Folate is especially important when a woman is pregnant or planning to become pregnant as it has been shown to help reduce neural tube defects.* You can get folate from leafy greens like spinach and kale, but it can be difficult to consume enough folate from even the healthiest diet, so supplementation is often recommended. Alive!® Complete and Premium prenatal multivitamins contain high potency folate.

Iron is a mineral that your body uses to make hemoglobin, a red blood cell protein that transports oxygen. Women's need for supplemental iron is greater than men's, largely due to menstruation. After menopause, this increased need largely goes away. You can get iron from foods like red meat, kale, and beans. also shares that “plant-based sources of iron are more easily absorbed by your body when eaten with vitamin C-rich foods.” If you're looking to supplement, try an Alive! Multivitamin formula for women. However, it's worth noting that our Women's 50+ formulas are formulated for the post-menopausal crowd and do not contain iron.

Calcium is a mineral that helps support healthy bones and teeth.* Bone support is one of the top concerns for women as they age, and calcium can help support their bone health needs.* It's most found in dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, but if you eat a vegan diet, you can also find it in leafy greens and fortified orange juice and cereals. Adequate calcium intake throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Vitamin D is important for bone and immune health, and women tend to need more vitamin D as they age.* A great source of vitamin D is the sun, but it can also be found in eggs, fish, and via supplements. If you live somewhere that doesn't get a lot of sunshine in the winter months, your doctor may suggest supplementing with vitamin D. Alive! Calcium & Vitamin D3 Gummies are a great way to ensure you’re getting the recommended amount of these two important micronutrients. If you prefer softgels, try Nature's Way® Vitamin D3 Max‡.

There's always something to discover on your ever-changing health journey. With the right micronutrient staples to help fuel you, you can feel your best every step of the way.