8 Vitamins and Minerals to Support Healthy Aging*

Discover which nutrients, vitamins, and minerals support you at every stage of life – and make sure to implement them into your diet or supplement routine.*

Whether you’re in your 20s or 30s and starting to think of the future or conquering your 60s and 70s, you need certain vitamins and minerals to help you feel like your most vibrant and active self. While your nutritional needs do change as you age, there are specific vitamins and minerals with a track record of support many different aspects of healthy aging, from muscle and bone health to brain function.*

These hardworking essentials can be obtained via your diet, with a supplement, or a mix of both. Depending on your lifestyle, food sensitivities, and other concerns, certain forms and foods may be better for you than others. Below, check out some of the most popular nutrients, minerals, and vitamins for aging.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D does double duty in supporting immune health and supporting healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.* The primary source of vitamin D is the sun, but if you live in a cloudier climate, you may want to consider supplementation to make sure you’re getting an adequate amount of this important vitamin.


Calcium is important for everyone, but women in particular should pay attention to their calcium intake and make sure it’s part of their daily diet. Calcium supports healthy bones and teeth, as well as muscle function.* Dairy and leafy greens are great sources of calcium, diet-wise, but if you live a vegan lifestyle or are lactose intolerant, make sure your multivitamin is made with a good source of calcium or consider a separate supplement.


Magnesium is a mineral that supports muscle function.* Magnesium is a great addition to any routine, but especially for those who live an active, exercise-heavy lifestyle, as magnesium is also key for muscle relaxation.* As exercise is pivotal for healthy aging and feeling your best from decade to decade, you’ll want to incorporate magnesium into your workout routine to support those hardworking muscles.*


CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) is a nutrient that helps support cardiovascular health and cellular energy, but your levels may decline as you age.* It’s found in meat, fatty fish, nuts, and avocados, but is also popular as a supplement option.

Vitamin C

Not only does vitamin C support immune health and provide antioxidant protections, it also strengthens collagen for healthy skin – an important concern at any age, but especially in later years.

Vitamin B12

The B-vitamins play important roles in many functions of your body, but B12 is one you’ll want to pay particular attention to as you age. In your later years, your body can’t absorb B12 as easily from food. Since B12 supports red blood cell growth, nerve function, and DNA, it’s definitely one to consider supplementing past age 50.


Omega-3s aren’t vitamins or minerals per se, but they are important for your wellness as you age. Omega-3s help maintain healthy blood triglyceride levels (already within the normal range) and support your heart, skin, and joints, as well as eye health.*


Potassium is a truly essential mineral that is present in all tissues of your body. It’s commonly found in bananas, spinach, and avocados, among other foods. It’s important for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, which regulates heart and muscle contraction.*