It’s no secret to anyone that the holidays can be a time of stress. Making sure the turkey and the rest of Thanksgiving dinner are all done at the same time, shopping for and wrapping a load of presents the night before they need to be under a tree, plus constant travel here and there can be both exciting and tiring on the mind and the body. Be prepared for the festive season with products made to support the whole you, from immune support to digestive health.* Pack your travel bag or stock your shelves with our holiday favorites.
Main mission: helps reduce stress. It’s made with Silexan™, a clinically studied lavender oil that reduces feelings of occasional anxiety, tension, and stress.* CalmAid is non-drowsy and can be taken once or twice daily for stress management.*
Sambucus Gummies
These delicious gummies are packed with immune support superstars like vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, so with the busy schedule of the winter season, your immune system’s getting the care it needs to thrive.*
Traveling in and out of town to the in-laws can impact your digestive routine. Probiotic Pearls or Fortify 30 Billion Daily Probiotic for digestive support at home and when you’re traveling is key!*
Sleep Tonight™ Melatonin Drops
Visiting loved ones in a different time zone? Our Sleep Tonight Melatonin Drops make it easy to help get the quality ZZZs your body needs when adjusting to a different bedroom and schedule.* Take them whenever you need essential shut-eye (to keep up with the relatives).*
5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin; a mood (and appetite) regulating neurotransmitter produced within the body.*
On top of these tried-and-true product recommendations, there are other ways to cope with stress this holiday season.
Remember to stay active. Shoot for getting your heartrate up at least 30 minutes a day to reap the benefits of endorphins, your body’s internal stress reliever.
Connect with people. Routinely visiting with other humans keeps endorphins flowing while also sharpening memory and cognitive skills.
Take a deep breath. Feeling overwhelmed? Remember that nothing is permanent. When things feel really intense, take five and focus on your breath until you can get back to calm.
Lend a hand. Volunteering your time and serving others builds feelings of comradery and community warming you up a little bit inside.
Cultivate a positive mindset. It’s easier said than done but reframing your mindset in situations and seasons can do wonders for your general outlook.