10 Tips for Better Nutrition

Fuel your body inside and out with easy tips for getting more of the good stuff.

You do your best to eat a healthy diet – for the most part, anyway. Stressful schedules, recipe-related burnout, and the convenience of drive-through or takeout sometimes get in the way, and that’s totally normal! We’re all trying to figure out the perfect balance of whole grains and crisp veggies and the occasional greasy pizza or sushi smorgasbord. But if you’re trying to put a premium on healthy eating as often as possible, these simple tips will help you revamp your kitchen routine, shape up your snacks, and eat more of the good stuff that fuels your body inside and out.

Sneak in extra veggies.

More greens are always welcome in your diet, but eating a salad every day can get boring fast. Find ways to infuse your meals with a handful of veggies, whether that’s adding spinach or asparagus to your weekend omelet, blending up kale in your smoothies, or making a side salad alongside dinner each night. Soup is another easy way to add more veggies to your diet; you can easily toss in a handful of kale, more carrots, or surprising additions like beets to up your veggie consumption.

Keep healthy snacks where you’ll see them.

You’re more likely to reach for the good stuff when it’s front and center, so stock your refrigerator shelves where healthy snacks like yogurt, hummus, and veggies are easily within reach, or keep a basket of apples and oranges on the counter to grab when you fill up your coffee. If you’re at the office, keep mixed nuts, dried fruit, or jerky in your desk drawers to fuel yourself during the day and resist the urge to hit up the candy bowl.

Drink just one more glass of water per day.

We’re not going to tell you how important it is to stay hydrated; you already know that! If you’re struggling to hit your hydration goals, set a goal to drink just one more glass of water than you currently are per day. (Small tweaks make big difference!) Try swapping one cup of coffee or soda with water, drink a glass as soon as you wake up, or fill a glass to drink alongside lunch. Work in water throughout the day and soon your hydration habit will be automatic!

Do some prep work.

Planning and prepping for a week’s worth of meals may take some extra time on the weekend, but it’s worth it when you’re not rushing to get dinner on the table or hemming and hawing over what to eat – or ordering takeout once again. Figure out at least a few meals to serve during the week with input from whoever shares your table and prep together; chop veggies to roast, defrost anything that needs thawing, make a big batch of quinoa or brown rice, and hit up the grocery store for relevant ingredients. It’s one less thing to stress about!

Keep your pantry stocked.

There’s nothing worse than looking forward to making a certain meal and realizing you don’t have a key ingredient on hand. Stock your pantry with healthy essentials that can serve as a base for all kinds of meals, like quinoa, rice, beans, veggie or chicken stock, canned tomatoes, and tinned fish so you don’t have to fret over what’s for dinner.

Try new things.

Mixing up your go-to recipes is a great way to combat kitchen boredom and add new ingredients to your routine, from veggies outside of your comfort zone to different spices than you usually reach for. Ask friends for their favorite healthy go-tos or scroll through a new cooking blog for inspiration and get creative!

Go plant-based once a week.

Skip the meat and dairy one night per week and opt for a plant-based dinner or lunch. You don’t need to buy plant-based meat or vegan cheese; simple salads and soups are great places to start. It’s a great way to dip your toes into plant-based meals without going full vegetarian or vegan, and you may just find it becomes a regular part of your dinner routine.

Opt for fresh or frozen fruits and veggies.

Canned fruits and vegetables don’t quite pack in the nutrition like their fresh or frozen counterparts. They often contain extra sodium or sugar. While you may occasionally need canned items for certain recipes or convenience, try to reach for the fresh option when you can.

Feed your cravings.

Don’t deprive yourself of chocolate, ice cream, or chips when you’re really craving them. Making certain foods “forbidden” isn’t a healthy way to think about food in general and can cause you to overdo it later, so indulge in moderation.

Eat when you’re hungry.

If your stomach is growling before the traditional “lunchtime,” don’t wait it out. Eat! If you’re in the mood for oatmeal but it’s not “breakfast,” who cares? Go with it. Your body is telling you it needs fuel, so listen to your gut (literally) and give it the nutritious goodness it’s craving.